engineered hardwood flooring

Engineered Hardwood Flooring Is A Good Choice For Your Home

engineered hardwood flooringIf you are planning on redoing the flooring in any room of your home, or all of it, then you are probably drawn to the idea of wood flooring in certain places. If this is the case, then consider engineered hardwood flooring.

Many homeowners don't really give this possibility a second thought, as they shrug and say they want natural wood floors. However, market research has shown that what they really want is the look and feel of natural wood floors. Engineered hardwood flooring gives you the texture and atmosphere that natural wood flooring does, but it also comes with several other huge advantages.

Because engineered flooring is made from a number of different woods, it has a composite nature. This is where the benefits come in, as it is manufactured to be far more durable a product than if it were just one kind of wood. It also withstands wear and tear longer and proves easier to clean. It also warps less due to heat and cold contractions and bowing over time.

Despite the fact that it lasts longer and is easier to clean, it's also cheaper! Since multiple kinds of trees are used in the processing of engineered hardwood flooring, you're not victim to market swings for the value and demand of particular woods.

To make things even better, this kind of flooring needs less maintenance and upkeep. It still needs some care and attention, but it will take up less of your time and stress when doing chores.

For the environmentally conscious, engineered wood flooring makes a great choice because it's more likely to use trees that were harvested sustainably, meaning they were either replaced with new growth immediately, or felled in tree farms that routinely plant new growth in routine cycles.

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